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Propspeed Antifouling, everyone should experience it!

Posted on July 25, 2022 in Bedrijfsvaart

Antifouling is something every boat enthusiast knows, but Propspeed antifouling is something every boat enthusiast should experience!

Propspeed is the best performing antifouling in the marine industry, has been tried and tested worldwide for over 21 years, consistently delivering boat owners the best results in boat performance, lower fuel and operating costs.

One of the frequently asked questions in our showroom!
Q: Why do I have to start with completely bare metal when applying Propspeed?

A: A unique property of Propspeed is the adhesion and thus the long-lasting effect. This strong and long-lasting bond to the metal is formed by mechanical and chemical bonding. Applying to an existing coating means that the Etching Primer cannot form this bond with the metal surface. Old Propspeed or other existing coatings must be completely removed before Propspeed is applied!

Let our staff inform you today about what Propspeed can offer you.

About Mulder Motoren

Mulder Motoren in Ridderkerk is an official Volvo Penta dealer. We provide Volvo Penta engines, Parts and Services for Marine Leisure, Marine Commercial as wel as the Industrial market. About Mulder Motoren.

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Boelewerf 6
2987 VD Ridderkerk
The Netherlands

+ 31 (0)180 820 204